Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Casting Flowers in Plaster

This weeks challenge is 'new'.
During lock down I've discovered a new activity, or perhaps I should call it
a new obsession - casting flowers in plaster.
The flowers I used here are Pyracanthus and Brambles.  The Brambles are vigorously growing in my front garden and although they are a menace I do love the blackberries they produce!

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Angelica in Spring

This weeks theme is Beautiful Spring.
In the garden the Angelica is shooting up at great speed - it is taller than me now and quite spectacular.  
Unfortunately the day was dull and windy and not so beautiful!

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Ferns in May

The challenge is 'May'  
and the beautiful ferns are slowly unfurling and coming into their full glory.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Red Books and a Lantern Fly

Red for this weeks challenge.
I found a couple of old red books and a small lantern fly from my collection of dead things - he has such a sweet little red body!