Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Memories 2020

 The theme for this week is Memories 2020.
The Husband and I have stayed in lock down since March and it has been a difficult year for us, as it has for so many people.
Without the beautiful New Forest right on our doorstep it would have been even more difficult, but we are very lucky and these photos are from one of our favourite walks that we have particularly enjoyed.  It is usually a campsite but has been closed all year and hardly anyone has been visiting it so we've had it almost all to ourselves!

Tuesday, 15 December 2020


 The theme for this week is Decorations -
so I chose old vintage baubles that hold lots of festive memories! 

Tuesday, 8 December 2020


 The theme for this week is December,
and the last of the blackberries are hanging on to life in this mild weather.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020


 This week the theme is brown.
A handful of my favourite Honiton lace bobbins, lots of
different woods and patterns.