Tuesday, 23 November 2021


 This week the theme is Nature.
I found this beautiful lichen covered twig on a bed
of fallen autumn leaves while I was out for a chilly walk this week.

Tuesday, 16 November 2021


 The theme this week is Tiny.
I found the tiniest little tea cup and made a miniature nest in it.
It is sat on an ivy leaf to give you an idea of size.

Tuesday, 9 November 2021


This week the theme is November.
I was given an acorn vase recently - so I found an acorn.
I soaked it in water for 24 hours, wrapped it in kitchen towel until it sprouted and then placed it on the acorn vase and waited.
I don't associate November with new beginnings but this is my first attempt at growing a tree and so far it's going well!

Tuesday, 2 November 2021


 This week the theme is Stripes, and I'm afraid I've had to hit the archives as real life has kept me so busy!  
These photos are of a dry stone wall by one of my favourite artists Andy Goldsworthy.  We saw some of his amazing work while we were holidaying in the Lake District a few years ago.  
If you haven't seen his work before he is definitely worth a Google!